Monday, March 11, 2013

Friends & Writers

I just had a wonderful songwriting session with a lovely aspiring and accomplished artist, Nora Collins. Check her out! She's got two albums out and still wanted to song-write with little ole' me. An honor :) And she's such a sweetheart too. So! We finished our song after this second session of writing, and it's stuck in my head! A really good song that I'm really excited about. It's called Tell Me, and look for it out on the radio soon enough ;) haha But, honestly, it's a really good song that I'm happy with. Neither one of us wrote the whole thing by ourselves, it wasn't 90-10, or 25-75.. it was pretty much 50-50, and that makes me feel good. Really good. I was worried at first that she wouldn't like my material or what I brought to the table or would end up taking over the song-- but we write well together and I secretly, not so secretly, want to keep writing with her. I believe we will make good friends and good writers together. Love, Kimberly

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Jack and Coke

Just got REJECTEDDDD.... so.... off to the bar. And on top of that, I basically got told to fuck off and learn to be on my own. Wonderful. Jack and Coke please. Overall, life is still so good and I am still so blessed. I'm just really disappointed. I know it'll alllllll work out just as it's supposed to be. Thank you God.... still ordering that Jack and Coke tho