Monday, May 23, 2011

Poem: "Baby, Let's Go Sailing."

Baby, let's go sailing...
Feel the wind in our hair
Feel the splash of the sea
Once more.

Baby, let's go sailing...

Say goodbye to the door
We thought held the answer.
Lock up the box
We wanted to inspire our dreams.

What we thought we wanted
We never got..
What we thought were our dreams
We never quite caught.
So, baby, let's go sailing..

Lock up the cage
Out "not"-sanctuary.
Say goodbye to the place
That made us sink too weary.

Baby, just let's go sailing
To the edge of the earth,
Where the sun hits the water.
Where, once again, laughter can be heard
Where singing is our written word
Where dreams will not go unheard
And were loving, not hating, will be preferred.

Baby. Let's go sailing.

This poem is just about leaving behind a mediocre life. A life that didn't work out.. a life that more like sucked the life out of you rather than gave you life. It is also about two people staying together through that time.. finding it within each other to dream again.. of a life that gives back. It sort of rhymes and has a strange beat to it; but, that is the the way life goes, I guess, sometimes it has a strange beat to it.
Hope you like it. The tone is sort of dreary.. because these two have the life sucked out of them. But they have one dream left: to go sailing. And that's all they can hold on to at this point.
So, with whoever you're with.. stick together through the thick and thin, kay? Because you never know when you can lock up the box of your old life (or in this poem, the box means their house) and just go sailing. Where will you sail to? ;)
Kimberly Brown :)

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