Wednesday, July 13, 2011


What is acceptance?

We all need it
We all need to do it
We all need acceptance
We all need to accept..

Something bad that happened
To us that we can't change.
Something that wasn't our fault
Something we didn't ause.

So, this is my journey
My beautiful journey
To a beautiful place
But through a scary forest
With unknown creatures
On an unknown road.

But I am prepared
With my lit candle
In my open hand.

The wind will comfort me
Wrap me in its arms.
The light will guide me
I won't trip or fall.
The land will feed me
Nourishing my body.
The trees will protect m
Creating a home for me.
The rain washes the pain away
Crying with me
And washing the tears away

Life's Tension

The sun blocked
By the leaves of the trees.

The river crashes
Over the sharp rocks.

The air smashed
Against the wings of the bird.

The flower pushes
Its roots through the dirt.

So the leaves
Can produce fruit.

So the rocks
Can be smooth agin.

So the bird
Can fly high above the clouds.

So the flower
Can grow strong.

And so the earth
Can keep moving
and living.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Poem: Wings.

There’s something delightful
About a bird flying by.

Think about it:
It’s quiet outside
Can only here the light breeze
Not a cloud in the sky
Just the sun through the trees
And a bird flies by
Did you hear its wings?
It’s a miracle, I think

Never heard anything like it.
One of a kind.
How a bundle of feathers
Can make a bird fly.

It makes me think
Of how I want to be
In this life
Soaring above the trees

So small
Yet so strong
To fly so high
For me, in due time

Just like the brightest star
Shines in the blackest night
Is a bird flying
Past a scene so silent

It’s so unique
So serene
So strong
And so free

… This is how I want to be.

Monday, June 20, 2011


I write about what I see
For there’s so much more to view in a scene
Than just colors
And trees.

There are words
And lyrics
Music notes
Colors we can't even believe.
And in a sunset
There are more than all these things…

The sun was majestic tonight
Setting yarely amidst the clouds
That veiled it.

First yellow with happiness
Smiling at you, like it’s never seen the dark
Like it’s never been scarred

Then pink with love
As pink as the roses
Setting deeper and deeper
Just like a love that sinks into a heart

Then orange with passion
Torching the horizon
Almost out of sight
But giving us a last breath

As we drove away
We turned our backs
It bounced off the rearview mirror
… then it was gone.

Gone to another world
Gone to another time
But still left an image in my mind
And a memory on my eyes

Yet the sun never changes
Every day the same
Just, everything else changes
Making it new from whence it came

Although I may change
And I may grow
Every day anew
Happiness. Love. Passion.
I will always be in your heart
With a memory on your eyes

So, baby, wrap your hand in my hand
For I'm not going away
Even though each day is renewed
My sun still rises and sets in. you.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Poem: The River

You can always find me
Down by the river.
Why would anyone wanna be
Anywhere else?

I just want o experience the world
Hear the sounds of nature
See the streams of joy.

You never know where it's going to end
Down by the river
Down by the river.

Dangle your legs
Look left and right.
appreciate where this water came from

I just want to experience the world
Hear the sounds of nature
See the streams of joy

Cuz life is a pearl.
A gem
A jewel
And a crystal blue river.

Poem: Look out the Window

Have you ever looked out the window,
No mater where you are?
And all you see is the big blue sky,
And it doesn't seem so far.

If you don't know, I'm here to say
Your dreams are all up there.
Caught in the clouds and on the moon
And on the sun's flares.

Oh, you can reach and you can touch them
No matter where you are
Just wish and wish and pray above
Wish on a twinkling star.

For the ones that twinkle are the ones that sprinkle
Their dust atop your dreams.
They give them your name
To make these dreams become colorful beams.

So when you catch a floating seed
When on you a butterfly lands
Or when you wish on a twinkling star
Know: you now hold your dreams in your hands.

Get ready for the light

::in response to any sort of mistake/slip up::

Don't let that define you!
You are silver refined 7 times.
You are a diamond being cut and polished.
Let people define you how they want
For you can't change the.
And they CAN'T chand you.
Let their words bounce right off you
Like a backboard to a basketball.
Don't let them score though
And you'll get the rebound every time.
You hold the key
To unlock YOUR door.
They can try to touch that handle
But they can't. It'll burn their fingertips
Not yours though.
Walk right in.
It is meant for yo. It is YOUR future.
Take hold of the key.
Unlock the door.
Put on your sunglasses.
Get ready for the light


Poem: Cards

In the card section at he store
So many encouraging words there are.
There are always problems
Bigger than yours
Just go to the card section
To help you not feel so blue.

Poem: Listen to the Birds Sing

Listen to the birds sing.
They're telling a story, you know.

Watch the sky's shooting stars.
For they've seen the world

Tast the sea's greatness.
It is full of love.

Let's listen to their story;
Of it I can't get enough.

For the birds tell the sky.
All that is has to sing.

And the sky floats to the sea,
Telling the waves everything.

This cycle is one we can watch,
But can only be apart of

When we learn to listen
Listen to the birds sing.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Such a Tiny Offering

What a tiny offering... are our lifted hands towards God. Seriously, we are nothing... we are so small and we deserve death. But we received life.. Cool!

And we lift our hands towards Jesus... thank you Jesus.

With a surrendurred heart.. and hands lifted towards Jesus.. He will come to you desperately, take your hands and pick you up. You are His little child. You are His. And He loves you. Our chains are gone. Praise Jesus

Thank you Lord.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

That Voice

Everyone thinks they are bad at having an eading disorder. Because if you are not perfect at eating nothing, then you are not. good. enough. Right? And the thing with an eating disorder.. is that you will NEVER be good enough. The only way you will be good enough for your eating disorder is when you're 6ft under. It just, ultimately, wants to kill you. and you have to wonder... what is this voice? Where did it come from? Cuz we certainly weren't born with it. We may have been born with a genetic predisposition to develop an eating disorder, but where did the voice come from? Seriously.

And it's funny that any other voices people hear are tagged as delusions and non-realities... but this ED voice everyone (with an ED) hears. What's up with that? So... what is this voice?

Is it a person?
Is it us?
Is it an intruder?
Is it the devil?
Is it a spirit?
WTF is it?
And how does it become us? become a part of us?

Ya know what it is. It is just bad.. evil.. whatever you want to call it. It charms us into thinking it's right for us and hitting us at our weak point: perfection. Perfection... what is our fascination with perfection?

Well... you guys... it's time to push the old man back into his rocker so he cannot suck the life out of us anymore. Push him down. Break the chain. OU'RE HOLDING THE KEY, and you don't even know it!!! He's (as in your eating disorder)is just trying to manipulate ou, guilt you, abuse you into not even realizing the key is imprinted on your heart... because every time you agree with him or believe his lies, he covers up the key hole with his thick, black, tar...

For some, they think they deserve the tar. They have been abused too much by this old man, by their own mind, and by people in their life. They are convinced they deserve the punishment of a spirit coated in tar. Let me tell yo... you don't.

Let me tell you.. you have tar remover in your hand too. It comes in the form of your pure words and your pure thoughts. Take hte few pure thoughts that you have left and start using them. Don't be afraid... Actually, GET SCARED because when you're scared of the old man's reactions and you do/say it anywy and you see how he gets further away from you... your fear will turn into true empowerment. And empowerment will slowly remove the tar that has built up over your heart.

Some of it you MAY never be able to remove, but it's okay. It's okay. Cuz everybody has that bit of tar that they can't remove. It makes us stronger, though, in the end. If we decide to accept the challenge not to ignore the tar.. but to keep it in check, instead... then we will be empowered.

Are you ready?
Are you willing?
It's time to start walking down this road.
It's time.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Poem: "Crossings"

This is where I am
Yet again
Crossing another bridge
Yet again

High up
Can almost touch the clouds
Loook down
Can't even see the bottom
Look ahead
Can't see the land

Side to side
No one around but me
On my own
Why must I do this alone?

Even when the fog sets in
Even when my foot slips
Despite the fear I may feel inside
Despite the fact that I can't even hide...

I'm crossing my bridge
Mine and mine only
No one can cross it for me
Only I can cross back
If I choose

Let's hope I don't
Let's hope I get through this

The clouds are right above me.
My dreams are right ahead of me.
I have a feeling, though,
There's a thick forest up ahead

But I hope to hope
And dream to dream
That I will still see the light
Wherever I am.

I know that even at night
I will be close to the moon :)

(this is just another poem about dreams... thanks for reading)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Poem: "Baby, Let's Go Sailing."

Baby, let's go sailing...
Feel the wind in our hair
Feel the splash of the sea
Once more.

Baby, let's go sailing...

Say goodbye to the door
We thought held the answer.
Lock up the box
We wanted to inspire our dreams.

What we thought we wanted
We never got..
What we thought were our dreams
We never quite caught.
So, baby, let's go sailing..

Lock up the cage
Out "not"-sanctuary.
Say goodbye to the place
That made us sink too weary.

Baby, just let's go sailing
To the edge of the earth,
Where the sun hits the water.
Where, once again, laughter can be heard
Where singing is our written word
Where dreams will not go unheard
And were loving, not hating, will be preferred.

Baby. Let's go sailing.

This poem is just about leaving behind a mediocre life. A life that didn't work out.. a life that more like sucked the life out of you rather than gave you life. It is also about two people staying together through that time.. finding it within each other to dream again.. of a life that gives back. It sort of rhymes and has a strange beat to it; but, that is the the way life goes, I guess, sometimes it has a strange beat to it.
Hope you like it. The tone is sort of dreary.. because these two have the life sucked out of them. But they have one dream left: to go sailing. And that's all they can hold on to at this point.
So, with whoever you're with.. stick together through the thick and thin, kay? Because you never know when you can lock up the box of your old life (or in this poem, the box means their house) and just go sailing. Where will you sail to? ;)
Kimberly Brown :)